29 May, 2014

The secret recipe of happiness (from my perspective)

Happiness. I think all people in this world always want to get happy all the time. Then, what is happiness? In my perspective, happiness is a-feeling-of-something-that-you-really-want meet to the-reality-that-you-have. Every people have different things that they really want to have. That's why sometimes definition of happiness for every people is different from each other. Some people want money, and the other want girl/boy, house, or good job, and etc.

Sometimes, there is something which may prevent us to get our happiness. I called it sadness. Sadness is when your dream doesn't meet the reality you have. But, how can we overcome this situation? How can we get happy when the reality is not good as we thought? Just one sentence "just don't care about it, then, getting back to fight on again to get whatever you want in life". Sometimes, we have to be stubborn to get what we really want in life. If we want to get a specified job that we want the most, just chase it and sharpen your skill to get it. If you want to get a good girl/boy that you really want in your life, just chase it and prove to her/him that you are good boy/girl and prove that you just wanna her/him in your life. Lol. I think the last example is a bit crazy. Hahaha, that's just for example. But, I don't know why it always works. If Thomas Alva Edison didn't get stubborn, how can he found lamp which can shine our night on earth?! :)

Then, just don't care about everything which make you sad, keep carrying on! keep fighting on! don't ever give up on everything that you have struggled for :) We just live once in this world, so just spend your time with valuable moment. Just take a smile when you get into trouble. It will reduce your sadness even just a little :P Additionally, just live at the present moment, neither for past nor future :)

Bon courage, tout le monde! and get happy all the time! yeahh, we can do it! :)

Merci et au revoir :)

Trick Art Museum


I want to share about Trick Art Museum in Indonesia. Trick Art Museum is a museum which has incredible 3D paintings, of course, if we take pictures in a perfect angle. In fact, there are many kind of trick art museum all over the world (i.e. London, Pattaya, Seoul, Netherland). In Indonesia, this museum looks like exhibition. The museum was moved from one mall to the other mall. I visited it when it was held in Karawaci Mall. Here are some pictures of mine over there. You should try to visit this museum.

It's awesome, isn't it? :)

Donc, merci et au revoir, tout le monde :)

Thousand Islands (Pramuka Island and all around) #Day2

Hey Buddies, I will continue for the 2nd day at Pramuka Island. Nothing much that I did on this day. I just walked around Pramuka Island.

Mangrove Conservation

First place where I visited is Mangrove Conservation. I met with a farmer of mangrove trees in there. We talked about mangrove and recent condition in Pramuka Island. Mangrove trees are very important to prevent sea waves to this island since there are many native people live in here.

Turtle Conservation

Then, I went to turtle conservation in this island which is quite far from my homestay. But, never mind, I like walking while I took fresh air during journey to turtle conservation. When I arrived, I had to get permission from the security officer of this place to get in. Then here is my picture with a little turtle :) The security officer told to me not to put my finger around the mouth of the turtles because they have sharp teeth. Wow! Hahaha ohk, then I just put my hand on their shells.

Indeed, there is another conservation in this island. It is shark conservation, but I had to rent a boat again. As my ship for going back to Muara Angke would arrive soon, then I didn't go there :( Maybe, next time I will visit shark conservation.

C'est genial pour visiter "Pramuka Island and all around". Au revoir, tout le monde :)

27 May, 2014

Thousand Islands (Pramuka Island and all around) #Day1

Yeah, travelling time! :) On December 28 - 29, 2013, I went to Pramuka Island by ship from Muara Angke Harbor. Pramuka Island is one of the islands in Thousand Islands. It is the first stop of the ship that I took from Muara Angke. Before going to there, I rent all stuffs through Mr. Ismail (08176405654) including boat for hoping islands (300k/boat), snorkeling devices (25k/person), and also homestay (350k/home). The first things I did in there was hoping islands :) Lol. I did hoping islands to Semak Daun Island and Water Island.

Semak Daun Island
Semak Daun Island had really beautiful beach. I found fishes along the beach. That was awesome! :) Semak Daun Island is a small island. There is a guard in this island, then you have to pay at least 20k to him for the security and cleaning service fee. In this island, you can find a canteen. If you get hungry in there, buy some foods!

Water Island
Water Island is just water which is located between two very long islands. As some people said, the picture that I took looks like scenery in Maldives. But, I don't know exactly. In Water Island, we can't visit the islands because it belongs to someone (on the other words : private island) and we are not allowed to go to there without special permission. So, my boat was just passing by. The scenery was so damn beautiful! :)

Hard Coral Location
Beside doing hopping islands, I also did snorkeling. The locations for snorkeling are soft coral and hard coral. Soft coral was located before I arrived at Semak Daun Island, then, the hard coral was located between my journey from Semak Daun Island to Water Island. That's my first experience for snorkeling on the sea. C'est extraordinaire! Guide gave the information how to put the snorkeling devices on my body in the right way. So, don't be scared if this will be your first experience in snorkeling.

After doing so many activities, I got hungry, then I visited Nusa Keramba Resto. This is the only one resto in the middle of the sea :) It was beautiful. The price in this resto was standard for seafood restaurant in Indonesia like Dermaga One or Bandar Djakarta. Here are the pictures of Nusa Keramba Resto :

That's the end of my journey in the first day around Pramuka Island. The story will be continued at the next post.

Merci et au revoir . . .

Salut, tout le monde! Voila French Movie Festival :)

Have you been wondering what the title of this writing tells about? Lol, it means "Hello everybody, here is French Movie Festival". Sorry if I used French phrase, but I have told what it means :) As the title is French, then in this article I want to share about my story to take part in French Movie Festival on December 7, 2013 at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM). I attended this festival with my IFI's friends.

We watched one incredible and funny movie in there. The title of the movie was Un Plan Parfait. It told about one girl which have a boyfriend for almost 10 years and haven't been married yet just because of the curse in her family (does it sound crazy?). The curse is "every girl in that family will get divorced with her first husband". Then, she didn't want to get divorced with her boyfriend which is why she went to Denmark for being married to someone and get divorced in 5 minutes (Lol, it sounds very crazy). But, there's no one she met in there, then she decided to get married with the first man she saw in there. The adventure of this movie start from this event. If you want to know all of the story, you have to watch this movie. It is very recommended movie :) C'est bon.

All I can say about the moral of this movie's story is just live your life with people whom you love the most, who make you comfortable with, and who make you happy all the time no matter what happen in life :)

Au revoir, tout le monde :)

What's up?

Long time no post something on my blog. Many events happen from June 2013 till now. Happiness, sadness, laugh, cry, etc. But, what happen in life, that's the best things that GOD gives to me :)

Okay, now, I want to update my life in here. Now, I learn French language, as my dream. Suddenly, I want to learn it just because it is the second language in UNs (United Nations). Then, I thought it is important to learn. I study French in Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI) - Salemba. The teachers are really fun, kind, and good to teach me through IFI system. IFI is language institution under French Embassy. If you are interested in learning French, you can kindly visit www.ifi-id.com.

Then, what's new in my life? Now, I'm just got engaged with my boyfriend who is along with me for 7 years. That's good, as you see. But, trust me, there are more troubles to have such a long time relationship because everybody have their own thinking. If you get a relationship with someone, you have to adjust your life to them and vice versa. As my experiences, if you want to be destined with someone you love, you have to face you-dont-like side of your boyfriend/girlfriend. All people surely like the good side of anyone, but, the bad side? I think not all people can't stand it forever except they love him/her just the way he/she is. Love is really simple. Give more and take a little. But, not all people can apply it every time (like me, Lol). But, all you can do is always do the best things for him/her :) Okay, I think it is enough to talk about love, Lol.

Mmm in this year, I visited one beautiful and the oldest place which is still exist on the earth, here is Mount Padang. It is located at Cianjur. The road was really difficult, but, Mount Padang was awesome. It is the oldest megalithicum site in the world (around 14,500 - 24,000 BC). I will talk about this later in the different post.

Okay, guys, see you later on the next post :) Merci et au revoir . . .

16 June, 2013

Looks like army soldier

There are many days I left behind not to see my blog :)

Now, I want to update my daily life after I get the Harvard Certificate. I continued my life as a civil servant in federal organization (read : Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control) which usually called BPOM RI. It sounds like Indonesian FDA. After I through some kind of the duty on there, I feel that being a government employee is not easy as I thought. But, I'm sure I can do my best for my duties :)

Here it is my pictures from mental management training in the army force (on orientation period). Did I look like an army soldier? :) hehe..of course, I think.

See you on the next post ;) Feel enjoy on my blog.