13 October, 2012

How to be a centenarian?

Do you know about centenarian?

Centenarian is the people that can live for more than 100 years. In this world, there are only a few people that can reach that age. Wow amazing!

So, what the tips for living like that? Let me try to share them in here.

Besse Cooper, one of the centenarian, said about her tips to the Guinness Book of World Records. She shared that she never consume fast food on her daily life, always do anything and solve her problems by herself. That's great!

Dan Buettner identified five zones in this world which have people who significantly live longer than the others. There are Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, Loma Linda in California, Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, and Icaria in Greece. 

Aside from either the genetic or lifestyle effect for being a centenarian, we should try to do some tips below that really good for our health. Some of the tips were taken from Dan Buettner's book, The Blue Zones. Here they are :
1. Keeping the active lifestyle
2. Having the purpose of life
3. Making a good relationship with family
4. Being a part of the community that has strong religious value
5. Not to consume any meat too much
6. Eating something until 80% from stomach capacity. Okinawa's people called this habit with hera hachi bu.
7. Having sense of humor
8. Keeping up-to-date to the actual events

For being healthy and live longer happily, let's do those tips from now, guys! :)


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