02 February, 2013

Big present on February

Certificate from Harvard University. Yeay!

Here it is :


Sindu Setia Lucia said...

hello bu Diah..
sebelum nya salam kenal dr saya sindu setia. saya lulusan dr universitas sriwijaya Palembang jurusan kesehatan masyarakat.
waah..selamat ya bu dpt sertifikat dr harvard.gmn yaah bu caranya ikut course agar dapat sertifikat kayak ibu..
makasi ibu

Diah Puspitasari said...

nice to meet u, Sindu ;)

wah thank you for your comment ;)

sorry for the late reply, kamu bisa ambil online course di www.edx.org atau gak www.coursera.org. Di sana banyak online course dengan berbagai topik. Gratis ;) and free certificate if you pass the final exam with the specific score ;)

yukkk register..sekalian belajar topik yg kita suka juga sekalian belajar bahasa inggris ;) metode belajarnya : kita download video lecturer-nya pas ngajar trus each week kita isi quiz-nya. pembahasannya biasanya per week. jd gak mengganggu waktu kuliah juga ;)

lumayan keren dapet sertifikat from the coolest university in the world kan? :D see what I get? hehehe yuk take it ;)

Unknown said...

Hello Diah.
I'm Hocine from Algeria.
I went ask you if this certificate is valid ??
And what can I do with this certificate?
you can reply in my e-mail : hocine.infos@gmail.com

Diah Puspitasari said...

Hi, Hocine.

Yes, this certificate is valid. At the bottom of certificate, you can find honor code certificate, then the authenticity of my certificate can be verified at : https://verify.edx.org/cert/8347b4e229b14a73b04d35381abb5d35

Just try it to prove it :)

You can take other massive open online courses (MOOCs) at Harvard University or from other well known university all over the world freely :) MOOCs will be available in www.edx.org and also www.coursera.org.

If u have further question, please contact me at diahpuspitasari1688@yahoo.com

Au revoir, Hocine :)

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