29 May, 2014

Thousand Islands (Pramuka Island and all around) #Day2

Hey Buddies, I will continue for the 2nd day at Pramuka Island. Nothing much that I did on this day. I just walked around Pramuka Island.

Mangrove Conservation

First place where I visited is Mangrove Conservation. I met with a farmer of mangrove trees in there. We talked about mangrove and recent condition in Pramuka Island. Mangrove trees are very important to prevent sea waves to this island since there are many native people live in here.

Turtle Conservation

Then, I went to turtle conservation in this island which is quite far from my homestay. But, never mind, I like walking while I took fresh air during journey to turtle conservation. When I arrived, I had to get permission from the security officer of this place to get in. Then here is my picture with a little turtle :) The security officer told to me not to put my finger around the mouth of the turtles because they have sharp teeth. Wow! Hahaha ohk, then I just put my hand on their shells.

Indeed, there is another conservation in this island. It is shark conservation, but I had to rent a boat again. As my ship for going back to Muara Angke would arrive soon, then I didn't go there :( Maybe, next time I will visit shark conservation.

C'est genial pour visiter "Pramuka Island and all around". Au revoir, tout le monde :)


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